lunes, 12 de febrero de 2018

DAY 5 . Monday 12, February
MATEMÁTICAS: El dia de hoy se realizó el quiz que se tenía programado.
·         JULIAN SIERRA: we had the exam on present perfect and vocabulary  about the playground. Also, we did a listening exercise using a song "we don't talk anymore", we completed the song using the present and past of some verbs.
·         JULIAN CORREA: Today we practiced reading skill and we worked with “Wh” questions.
·         JUAN CARLOS COPETE: Today we worked on Reading and Writing skill through a related activity from Flyers Test.
·         JHON PEÑA: today we checked the homework and had a classroom activity to improve the meaning of words.
NOTE: tomorrow we will have a quiz about the time.
FRANCES: Aujourd´hui, correction de l'évaluation sur la meteo (Relire la correction a la maison). Tip Top 2, Unité 5, dialogue 2 p 44 + activité 5 p 37 et 9 p 39 (Cahier d´activite). Boite a outils p 46, connaitre les animaux de la ferme + grammaire (il y a de la pluie, il n y a pas de soleil…)
INGLES-UNO: today we had a class where we practiced new vocabulary and we also had some listening exercises.
NOTE: there is a quiz on day 2 about the food pyramid and the food groups.  
ESPAÑOL: Hoy continuamos con el trabajo grupal sobre el tema “El mito”.
MUSICA: Hoy realizamos un ejercicio de digitacion con el fomi teclado.

Apreciados padres de familia y comunidad educativa, por motivos de logística la administración del colegio informa que el día de mañana martes 13 de febrero de 2018 se va a ofrecer el menú N° 13, el miércoles se retoma el N° 12 y a partir del día jueves tal y como estaba programado.


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