miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2017

Day 1 .
Daily Report : Quinto B .
MATEMÁTICAS: Desarrollamos contextualización, trabajo personal y grupal sobre suma y resta de fracciones heterogéneas en tres pasos. En el libro se revisará hasta el punto final de la página 56.
·         TEACHER JULIAN: Today we worked on Students´book “made for/used for” pages 59 and 123; also we practiced listening and writing on page 60.
·         TEACHER JHON: Today we checked the homework. We also had the weekly quiz about zero conditional.
·         TEACHER MARINA: We finished practicing prepositions of places (book p. 125, workbook p. 38). Proxima clase : evaluación.
·         TEACHER JUAN CARLOS COPETE: Today we worked on passive voice in past and use of quantifiers. HOMEWORK: Workbook pages 43-45.
·         TEACHER LEYDY: Today we practiced vocabulary for Flyers level. HOMEWORK: Write two sentences which contain the nine functions of words, and identify them.
ESPAÑOL: Se recogió la prueba  pleno y se trabajó la actividad sobre  la tilde diacrítica.
FRANCÉS: Atelier cuisine.
Thank you
Primary teachers and Coordination

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