miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2017

Day 1 .
Daily Report : Quinto B .
MATEMÁTICAS:  Desarrollamos trabajamos personal sobre adición  y sustracción de números naturales en el libro hasta la página 34, luego abordamos taller grupal con el fin de fortalecer los algoritmos.
Teacher: Juan Carlos Copete: Today we started working in our Cambridge Super Minds 6.
Homework: Agregar al Glosario (con significado) las Palabras hasta el final de la letra “C” de la lista de verbos irregulares al final del workbook.
Teacher Jhon:  Today we had a class where we practiced the verbs in present, past, present progressive and past progressive.
Teacher Marina : Today, we reviewed the vocabulary from last time and we practised present time questions (book p. 6-7) + worksheet 1
Teacher Julian Correa: Today we worked on past simple tense, positive, negative and question form with regular and irregular verbs. NOTE: Remember that the prelesson is a regular homework that has grades, please do it!
Teacher Leydy Parra: We worked on pages 6 and 7 student’s book and workbook. Grammar: present perfect. Practice verbs run, eat, drink, live, eat.
ESPAÑOL: Se explicó y se desarrollaron algunos ejercicios frente a los determinantes  dentro de la escritura.
FRANCÉS: Colores/ utiles de clase
Thank you
Primary teachers and Coordination

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